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Auction 96

We just had an auction a week ago and here we go with another show 7 days later. US Amusements held this show on Oct. 6th 2007 with a good collection of machines.
A lighter mix on the classics and a larger selection of pins then we have had at this venue.
On with the prices!


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Arctic Gun
480 X 640
27 KB

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die hard - metal slug x - mk3
640 X 480
39 KB

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Kings Of Steel
480 X 640
39 KB

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Nascar Arcade
640 X 480
33 KB

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Pinball Lizard
480 X 640
39 KB

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480 X 640
43 KB

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480 X 640
30 KB

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Op Wolf
480 X 640
33 KB

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Pleiades - Hang on
640 X 480
31 KB

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Space Harrier
480 X 640
25 KB

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480 X 640
28 KB

[Click to enlarge image]

480 X 640
38 KB

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Maximum Force
480 X 640
23 KB

[Click to enlarge image]

480 X 640
26 KB

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Pole Position 2
480 X 640
35 KB

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Starship Troopers
480 X 640
31 KB

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480 X 640
37 KB

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Full size Outrun
480 X 640
27 KB

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Mini Super Hang on
640 X 480
33 KB

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Pile of Mega touches
640 X 480
22 KB

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Road Blasters
480 X 640
25 KB

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480 X 640
31 KB

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480 X 640
32 KB

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Junk Yard
640 X 480
42 KB

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ms pac mini
480 X 640
28 KB

Multicade $900


Arch Rivals $30
Arctic Gun (EM Gun game) $85
Blitz 2000 Gold $205
Bust A Move $90
Capcom vs. SNK $275
Centipede (no control panel) $80
Continental Circuit $65
Dark Stalkers $85
Deer Hunter $215
Defender (Rug patterned) $110
Die Hard Arcade $95
Final Lap 3 $185
Golden Tee 2005 Four $400
Golden Tee 2005 Four $850
Golden Tee 2K $260
Golden Tee Classic $65
Golden Tee Classic $70
GT 97 $200
Guilty Gear $100
Hangon (dead monitor) $20
Ladybug (mini) $140
Lethal Enforcers $200
Lethal Enforcers $200
Lethal Enforcers 2 $150
Maximum Force $195
Maximum Force (board problems) $145
Metal Slug X $110
Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimate $200
Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimate $65
Ms Pac Man (mini) $800
Ms Pac Man (restored, bought back) $600
Ms Pacman (resetting) $200
MX 5000 $60
NBA Jam $380
Neo Geo (1 slot) $110
Neo Geo (1 slot) $85
Neo Geo (1 slot) $60
Neo Geo (1 slot) $70
Neo Geo (1 slot) $30
Neo Geo (2 slot) $180
Neo Geo (2 slot) $10
Neo Geo (4 slot) $250
Neo Geo (4 slot) $60
Operation Wolf $95
Outrun $95
Outrun $150
Paladen $75
Pleiades $35
Pole Position 2 (dead) $5
Revolution X $200
Revolution X $175
SCI $35
Sharp Shooter $195
Shuffelshot $180
Skins Game $225
Soul Edge $100
Space Harrier (nice) $60
Street Fighter 3 3rd Strike $125
Tekken 2 $85
Tekken 3 $60
Tekken 3 $30
Tekken Tag Tournament missed
Thunder Blade $90
Twin Cobra $80
US Classic (dead) $40
Vindicators 2 $45
Viper Phase 1 $130
Virtua NBA $200
WAR $350
WAR $350
WAR $225
World Class Bowling $20
Xmen $90
Zaxxon $95

Aspin (home pin) $60
Big Hit $150
Comet (Not Working) $310
Corvette $2,325
Dr. Who (not working) $950
F14 Tomcat $525
Georgia Gold (bingo) $300
Gold Wings $275
High Rollers $1,250
Junk Yard $2,050
Kings of Steel $375
Pinball Lizard $130
RollerGames $700
RollerGames (beat playfield) $550
Set Up $60
Sharkeys Shootout $950
Space Time $145
Starship Troopers $850
Time Machine $625

Sit-downs and Deluxe machines
Carnevil (39") $500
Crusin USA $550
Crusin USA (dead monitor) $400
NASCAR Arcade $750
Rush 2047 (stuck in TEST, monitor issues) $900
Super Hangon $145


Neon Arcade

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