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Auction 93

Our 93rd auction takes place in York, PA held by US amusements on May 5th 2007. The problem here is that the first weekend in May is always the date for the Pinball Wizards convention in Allentown. Auction houses have made this mistake before, but never seem to realize the mistake in competing for attendance among similar audiences, nor learn from it. Needless to say this was the smallest show of the season.
When I walked in the hall at 8:30 in the morning, the room was almost entirely empty, given home to only 9 or 10 redemption machines, most of them being cranes. I returned to the van, took a soda out of the fridge and sat in back to watch a movie and wait.
By 11 it was looking a little better so I took out the camera ad took my pictures. Auctioning started at noon and we were done before you knew it.

This is the last auction in this area till the fall kids. As normal, there are no Auctions during the summer months as the operators run their equipment up and down the Jersey shore. There
may be a chance Ill be traveling south for a show, but that's up in the air


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480 X 640
20 KB

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Ms Pac Man
480 X 640
18 KB

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Redemption City
640 X 480
29 KB

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Tekken 5
640 X 480
31 KB

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Virtua Fighter
480 X 640
30 KB

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Blitz - Showtime
480 X 640
28 KB

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Marvel vs
640 X 480
22 KB

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480 X 640
34 KB

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Super GT
640 X 480
24 KB

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480 X 640
30 KB

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Judge Dredd
480 X 640
26 KB

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Police Trainer
480 X 640
26 KB

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480 X 640
32 KB

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480 X 640
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Ice Cold Beer
480 X 640
30 KB

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Neo Geo 1 slot
480 X 640
25 KB

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Star wars
640 X 480
34 KB

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Tekken Tag
480 X 640
23 KB

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18 wheeler large
640 X 480
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18 wheeler small
480 X 640
33 KB


Police Trainer $210
NFL Blitz 2000 Gold / NBA Showtime $375
Turkey Hunting USA $285
Gaplus $100
Ice Cold Beer $170
NBA Hangtime $170
Toobin $205
Multicade (controls kinda sucked) $875
Dynamite Cop $110
Street Fighter 3 3rd Strike $300
Ms Pac Man (black case) $295
Marvel vs. Capcom 2 $250
Power Stone $225
Neo Geo ( 1 slot ) $165
Neo Geo ( 2 slot ) $150
Galaga 88 $165
Speed Rumbler $110
Ataxx $55
Multi Williams $295
Fishermans $190
Neo Geo (1 slow (in food fight case) $105
Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter $245
Tekken Tag $240
Virtua Fighter $165
Judge Dredd $235
House of the Dead $950
PGA Tour Championship Edition $900

Popeye $1,050

Sit-downs and Deluxe machines
Dirt Dash $300
Ultracade (33") $1,000
Super GT (2 player) $850
Tekken 5 (50") $320
Silent Scope $675
Special Tactical Force (50") $625
Star Wars Trilogy (50") $950
18 Wheeler 25" $825
18 Wheeler 50" $1,350


Neon Arcade

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