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Auction 70

Super auctions held there second auction here in Cheery Hill 12/20/03 and since I missed the first auction at this location (because I was on vacation) it was good to finally assess the armory for it ability to host such an event. Over all, its not a bad area, other then the loading area that evolves backing down an alley to gain access to the one loading door. But more disturbing than the area is the new "no pictures" policy. Seems that Super Auctions no longer allows photography at their shows and I was tipped off to this announcement from someone else who wrote up a similar issue when SA was in Florida. Well knowing that pictures would be frowned on, I went in trying to keep low key with the pictures. Non-the-less, I only squeezed off 3 pictures before I was caught. The official announcement was made later during the show that press credentials were required to take pictures at the shows. Obviously I did manage more then the 3 pictures, but if its a public auction, what's the problem? Just something to think about.
A lot of pins at the show, more then average. Prices were not ridiculously high even though Christmas was only days away. The Star Wars pin at the show was pretty nice. The Rally X at the show worked well, (but was rough in the cabinet, art, department) a nice selection of 25" machines and a very large cocktail assortment.

Remember.. I have no tie ins to ANY of these games. This was a Public auction, and I am not connected with any of the auctions houses on which I report. These games have been sold to new owners and are no longer for sale. This page is for reference only and a public service to it's readers. Any email regarding the purchase of these games will be ignored. All dates of future auctions will be posted on the main page as I hear of them. Thanks for your corporation.

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??? (unknown, not working game) $10
Burger Time $325
Centipede $250
Donkey Kong (not working) $135
Mega Force $125
Missile Command $400
Moon Cresta $175
Ms Pacman $750
Sly Spy $125
Space Invaders (not working) $50
Space Invaders (tatio) $275
Space Invaders Deluxe (not working) $65


??? (not working game in Nintendo Case) $75
After Burner $230
Assault $260
Asteroids $425
Asteroids (not working) $120
Baby Pac Man (not working) $150
Blasteroids $325
CapCom Bowling $250
Centipede (mini) $175
Centipede (mini) $425
Centipede (mini) $450
Crime Fighters $100
Defender $275
Donkey Kong 3 (marquee wrong) $190
Enduro Racer $275
Frogger $300
Galaxian (monitor wave problems) $350
Gorf (mini) $400
Gun Force $75
HangOn $175
Hard Drivin $60
Hit The Ice $95
Jail Break (not working) $25
Karate Champ $150
LED Storm $100
Magic Sword (board problems) $50
Make Trax (no control Panel, No Bezel glass) $15
Moon Cresta $50
Moon Walker $160
Mr. Do (monitor not working) $65
Ms Pac Man $500
Ms Pac Man (mini) $500
Neo Geo (1 slot) $125
Neo Geo (1slot) $175
Neo Geo (1slot, not working) $45
Neo Geo (2 slot) $350
Outrun $220
Pac man (no boards) $120
Pac Man Plus (in Pac man case, No power) $185
Pac Mania $375
Pit Fighter $100
Pole Position (not working) $5
Pole Position 2 $75
Rally X $120
Rastan $170
Return of the Jedi $300
Road Blasters (not working) $80
Road Blasters (not working) $70
Rolling Thunder $100
Sinistar $600
Sinistar $450
Sky Adventure $110
Smash TV $185
Space Gun passed
Street Fighter 2 Champion Edition $130
Super Mario Bros $225
Super Mario Bros $200
Super Pacman (not working) $120
Super Zaxxon missed
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles $125
Tekken $175
Tetris $125
Tetris (mini) $185
Total Carnage $150
Track and Field (no Bezel glass) $60
Turbo Outrun $125
Unsquadron $85

Area 51 $650
Double Axel $135
Dungeons And Dragons $225
Fighters History $150
GI Joe $200
Golden Tee 98 $800
Martial Champion $325
Metal Slugs $325
NBA Jam $325
Neo Geo (1 slot) $220
Neo Geo (2 slot in 4 slot case) $350
Operation Wolf passed
Raden Fighters $240
Soul Caliber $325
Street Fighter 2 Champion Edition $200
Super Chase $175
Tekken 4 $775
Terminator 2 $610
Virtua Cop 2 $325
War $100
Zero Gunner $275
Deluxe and Sitdowns
Alpine Racer (50") $125
Pump the OBG (not working) $150
Steel Talons (2 player) $50
Stun Runner $25
Suzuka 8 hours (2 player) $185

Dead Row!
Arkanoid $1
Asteroids $35
Boot Hill $1
Defender $10
Empty $30
Galaxian $5
Kung Fu $2
Motorace USA $5
Neo Geo (1 slot) $30
Tag Team $2

Atlantis $650
Aztee (EM, No Playfield glass) $125
Barb Wire $800
Big Ben (EM) $475
Black Out (parts machine, no glass) $60
Blue Chips (Bingo machine, Not working) $0.25
Captain Fantastic (EM) $375
Cue Ball Wizard $675
Cyclone $700
Dealers Choice (EM, not working) $75
Diner $925
Dr Dude $875
Eight Ball (parts machine, No boards, glass) $25
El Toro (EM) $125
Evel Knievel (parts machine, no boards, glass) $150
Flicker (EM) $300
Funhouse $975
Getaway (no displays, Top light missing) $750
Gorgar (parts machine, No playfield glass, backglass) $100
Guns & Roses $1,075
Judge Dredd $1,050
Lethal Weapon $1,125
Lethal Weapon 3 $725
Miss Universe (Bingo machine, Not working) $0.25
Mousin Around $725
Pool Sharks $500
Robocopn (not working) $200
Rocky Bullwinkle and Friends $800
Sea Ray (EM, Not working) $125
Shaq Attack $1,050
Showtime (Bingo machine, Not working) $0.25
Silver Ball Mania $170
Slick Chick (EM, bad paint job, no PF glass) $275
Star Wars $925
Stock Market (Bingo machine, Not working) $0.25
Street Fighter 2 (displays out) $350
Super Mario Bros $700
Twilight Zone $1,550
Vegas (no Playfield Glass) $500
Whirlwind (no displays) $600
Wild Wild West (EM, Backglass beat) $100
Wizard (EM) $500

Neon Arcade

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